Nền tảng giao dịch tiền mã hóa ZB LOGO

Thông báo hệ thống ZB interest subsidy activities for lending products.

ZB interest subsidy activities for lending products.

Thời gian đăng:2020-01-21 18:27

Dear ZB.com users,

To welcome the Chinese New Year, ZB.com will carry out interest subsidy activities for lending products.

Activity details:

1. Activity time: 0:00, January 23, 2020 -- 24:00, February 22, 2020(Hong Kong time)

2. Users can use the automatic borrowing function of leverage to conduct leveraged transactions with a daily interest rate as low as 0.03%. Daily rates will return to normal after the event.

3. The mortgage lending rate will be reduced in an all-round way, and the pledge rate is increased, with the daily interest rate as low as 0.033% (12% annualized).

- guidance on automatic leverage lending operation:


- instructions for mortgage lending operations:


Reminder: leverage financial management has risks. Users are invited to make effective investment within the range of risk.

Thank you for your support!

ZB.com operation team

January 21, 2020

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