Pengumuman Applied for the Small Dogecoin Airdrop Whitelist Applied for the Small Dogecoin Airdrop Whitelist

Waktu Publikasi:2021-05-02 22:46

Dear users,

In order to promote the interests of Dogecoin holders, has applied for Small Dogecoin whitelist and Small Dogecoin airdrop, and will list SDOG/USDT trading pair in the near future.

About SDOG (Small Dogecoin)

Small Dogecoin is a revolutionary experiment initiated by the decentralized community. It is committed to be a coin that is more decentralized and promising than Dogecoin.

Small Dogecoin will be led by the KenLon Musk Project to land on Mars and build a fully decentralized network with no data loss and absolute security. Trusted nodes will receive a node incentive to run the network, and Small Dogecoin's future development goal is to become the universal currency of Mars.

Small Dogecoin will be airdropped to DOGE holders on centralized exchanges that are already on the whitelist. has applied for whitelisting and submitted DOGE snapshot addresses to the Small Dogecoin community. If the Small Dogecoin community agrees to add to the whitelist, DOGE holders will receive SDOG airdrops at a ratio of 1 DOGE = 1000 SDOG.

Token Name: SDOG

Official Website:


Release Date: 2021-04-21

Total Supply: 128,756,977,746,000

Circulating Supply:6,437,848,887,300

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May 2, 2021

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