Pengumuman ZB Opens NWT Deposits and Withdrawals

ZB Opens NWT Deposits and Withdrawals

Waktu Publikasi:2021-04-29 10:06

Dear Users,

The mainnet swap of NWT is complete. All NWT tokens of our users have been automatically mapped to the TRC20-NWT token. The deposits and withdrawals of NWT are now available on

Please note that the NWT amount in users' accounts is 10x smaller than the previous balance, and the opening price of the NWT is 10 times of the old one. Please be cautious when placing orders after the trading are available.



1. The deposit addresses of NWT were changed to the TRC20-NWT Addresses. Please confirm the NWT deposit address before you deposit and should deposit TRC20-NWT token to the TRC20-NWT deposit address.

2. The old NWT deposit address has expired. If you deposit the old NWT token or TRC20-NWT token to the old NWT deposit address,will result in token lost.

3. TRC20-NWT deposit address is prohibited to deposit any non-TRC20-NWT token, otherwise it will cause the loss of the deposit token.

4. Please add new TRC20-NWT tokens address for NWT withdrawals.


Thank you for your support!



ZB Global Team

April 29, 2021


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